you can get currency rate by using below code :
I have try for get currency rates for a multiple currencies in magento a site. First: get allowed currency for a store
get base currency for a store
Then fetch currency code rate and complete code is
Displaying different currencies for a single product If get different currencies for a product and want of product price difference rate then just multiply rate
Magento currency rates is managed from admin, so to admin > system >Manage Currency >Rates and managed currency symbol from admin > system >Manage Currency >Symbols If want to add multiple currency then goto admin > system > GENERAL > Currency setup> Allowed Currencies
About Author:
Kalpesh Chavada
Kalpesh Chavada is Our Founder & CEO of Akshar Group Technologies. He is serving with 11+ years of experience in different technologies like Magento, WordPress, Laravel, jQuery, Shopify, Branding, and Digital Marketing. He is very good with creative logic and always ready to take on challenges.