
we do need to show that attribute in the Customer Grid then we need to follow the steps below:
Step: 1. Override the Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Grid

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Step: 2. Edit your config.xml


In Step 1 we had not overridden the_prepareCollection()because callingreturn parent::_prepareCollection();=will reset the collection to default magento implementation and searching will not work for custom attribute column. For this we had overridden thesetCollection()and added our custom attribute to select. You can change it as per your requirement.

About Author:

Kalpesh Chavada

Kalpesh Chavada is Our Founder & CEO of Akshar Group Technologies. He is serving with 11+ years of experience in different technologies like Magento, WordPress, Laravel, jQuery, Shopify, Branding, and Digital Marketing. He is very good with creative logic and always ready to take on challenges.

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